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Asthma: Breathing Made Easy with Homeopathy

Could homeopathy the best way to treat your asthma? The correct remedy can avert an acute crisis, while ongoing treatment works to reduce or clear the condition completely.

Remedies for Barking Coughs

Tickly, dry coughs, chesty coughs, croupy coughs- they're hard to escape in wintery weather but the right homeopathic remedy and some simple self-help tips can bring relief.

Help! I Have PMS!

Do you have mood swings, crave chocolate, or bloat with fluid before your period? You probably have PMS but the good news is that something can be done about it.

Quick Help for Children’s Fevers

Homeopathy doesn't suppress fevers. Instead, it stimulates the body to overcome what is causing the fever so that the person's temperature quickly returns to normal.

Hay Fever Help with Homeopathy

Discover simple hay fever self-help tips and homeopathic remedies that either relieve it's symptoms or clear the condition permanently.

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections

Situation: it's night. Your little one is fretting with ear pain. What to do? Homeopathy? In four clinical trials it relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Do you shake at the knees, tremble when giving a speech, or cancel engagements at short notice because you just can't face them?

Sleep Tight with Homeopathy

Not getting enough zzzzzs? We’ve compiled a list of tips and key homeopathic remedies for disturbed sleep and insomnia to help you with a good night's sleep.

Warts: Treating Them with Homeopathy

Most warts disappear with time but, if you want to hurry them along, homeopathy can help – and in more ways than one. See which remedies and how.