Tutorial 11 – Return of Old Symptoms

Marie was relieved that her menopausal symptoms had improved with homeopathy but past problems such as a painful shoulder and hay fever had returned. Why?

Charts: Kitchen Cupboard Cures

Four charts reveal easy-to-use 'kitchen cupboard cures' for tinea, burns, cuts, coughs, acne, thrush, warts, insect bites, leg cramps, vomiting, digestive upsets ... and more.

Know Your Remedies: Hamamelis Virginiana (Ham.)

Hamamelis virginiana is a useful remedy for fragile veins, venous congestion, and bleeding. Veins are enlarged and feel bruised or sore, especially when touched or pressed.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Do you shake at the knees, tremble when giving a speech, or cancel engagements at short notice because you just can't face them?

Sleep Tight with Homeopathy

Not getting enough zzzzzs? We’ve compiled a list of tips and key homeopathic remedies for disturbed sleep and insomnia to help you with a good night's sleep.

Tutorial 10 – Direction of Cure

Palliation or suppression gradually weakens vitality and leads to deteriorating health. Learn about the 'direction of cure' and how to tell when deep healing is truly taking place.

Warts: Treating Them with Homeopathy

Most warts disappear with time but, if you want to hurry them along, homeopathy can help – and in more ways than one. See which remedies and how.

Homeopathy for Brian

At 65 years of age, Brian was suffering from crippling anxiety, bloat, colic, profuse sweat, dry flaking skin, back pain and poor sleep. One remedy made a big difference.

Tutorial 9 – Palliation, Suppression or Cure?

When unwell, our body tries to constantly heal itself. Treatments can be used to palliate or suppress its efforts, or stimulate a faster, stronger healing response.