Study: Homeopathy in Heart Failure

Crataegus was as good as an ACE inhibitor and diuretic in all parameters for mild heart failure except in BP reduction. Would individualised treatment have performed even better?

Know Your Remedies: Lac Caninum (Lac-C.)

The person needing Lac caninum (dog's milk) as a remedy makes mistakes while writing or speaking, craves salt, spices or alcohol, and dislikes the heat. Does this sound like you?

Nutmeg as the homeopathic remedy, Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Know Your Remedies: Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Who would have thought that the common nutmeg spice, regularly used in cooking, could treat symptoms such as confusion and sleepiness when potentised into a remedy?

Baby Taylor’s Homeopathy Story

10-month-old Taylor woke repeatedly and was troubled by unusual fears such vacuum cleaners, confined spaces and all men other than her father. Her mother sought help.

Studies: Homeopathy and Hay Fever

As homeopathy alleviates hay fever and other hypersensitivity disorders in these studies perhaps it should be considered as a primary form of treatment for allergy sufferers.

Remedy Profile – Staphisagria

Staphisagria is a remedy for those who appear gentle, submissive and selfless. Anger is suppressed which then leads to physical complaints and health problems.

A Day in a Homeopath’s Clinic

People often wonder what homeopaths treat in their clinics. To answer this question we asked one of our homeopaths to share her notes from a typical day.

Know Your Remedies: Bellis Perennis (Bell-p.)

Bellis perennis is an excellent remedy for rapid chilling, sorenenss, bruising, back sprain, and injuries of the lower abdomen or pelvic area. Consider it for bruising when Arnica fails to act.

Know Your Remedies: Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Eup-per.)

Intense pains in the bones - "as if they are broken" - is a frequent flu-related symptom and a key indicator for this remedy. The person will be restless but motion won't relieve the pain.