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AUTISM: What Difference Does Homeopathy Make?

Which symptoms make it possible for children to be treated with homeopathy even when they can't tell you what is wrong with them?

Know Your Remedies: Tarentula Hispanica (Tarent.)

Tarentula is a remedy for an overstimulated nervous system that produces constant motion that is only relieved by exertion. Children are hyperactive and adults work compulsively.

Know Your Remedies: Rhododendron Chrysanthum (Rhod.)

Think of this remedy for rheumatic and neuralgic pains, orchitis and epididymitis, or symptoms that worsen before a thunderstorm but improve with warmth.

Ask Kaviraj — Issue 13

Did you know that homeopathic remedies help copper beech trees with phypophtora? Or stops pantry moths eating your fabric? Kaviraj responded to these and other concerns.

Know Your Remedies: Iris Versicolor (Iris.)

The symptoms of Iris versicolor (Iris.) occur mostly in the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system. Right-sided headaches and migraines with nausea and vomiting are common.

Study: Homeopathy for Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Most patients were referred into this study by their medical oncologists. Most had advanced, recurring, or metastatic cancer of the breast.

Reversing Autism – Zane’s Story

Zane was uncommunicative, withdrawn, aggressive, and anxious. His mother wrote this letter to a professor after substantial improvements were seen with homeopathy.

Know Your Remedies: Coffea Cruda (Coff.)

What does this remedy suit? Hyperactivity, nervousness, and mental or physical overstimulation. It also helps types of toothache and menopausal hot flushes.

Angie’s Belladonna Flu

The flu hit Angie fast. Her high fever, throbbing headache, glistening eyes, hot flushed face, and its rapid onset suited Belladonna. Here's what happened next.