Kaviraj on Fleas, Termites & More

Kaviraj focussed on remedies for plants but he was also asked about eucalyptus toxins, termites, rats, flea-infested cats, white fly, and more. Here's what he said.

Studies: Preparing for Radiation

Going for an X-ray, CT scan, mammogram or fluoroscopy? Here's two studies in which homeopathy protected against radiation exposure, showing homeopathy is not just about treatment.

Know Your Remedies: Kreosotum (Kreos.)

Kreosotum (Kreos.) is an important remedy for menstrual and hormonal disturbances, and excoriating, acrid, offensive discharges that cause swelling and inflammation of the affected area.

The spotted lanternfly is an attractive but invasive pest which, in large enough numbers, destroys plants, crops and trees.

Homeopathy Controls Lanternflies

Lanternflies are an attractive but destructive insect. They damage trees, vines, and crops but have they finally met their match?

Conquering Kidney Stones: Kirsten’s Story

"I have suffered from recurring kidney stones since I was 17-years-old, and have needed major surgery about every 18 months ..."

Cancer Treatments and Homeopathy

Cancer – some of us will have to confront it but homeopathy helped radiotherapy and chemotherapy side-effects in these studies.

Video: Research Comparing Homeopathy with Conventional Medicine

Studies show that patients treated with homeopathy by their medical doctor do as well or better than those given a conventional medicine.

Know Your Remedies: Hyoscyamus Niger (Hyos.)

Hyos is an important remedy for behavioural or learning problems in children, types of dementia in the elderly, and outright mania and seizures types in all ages.

Saved by Homeopathy

Roger Daltrey, of The Who fame, has been a firm advocate for homeopathy ever since his baby son, seemingly close to death, was returned to health by a homeopathic remedy.