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Know Your Remedies: Zincum Metallicum (Zinc.)

Do you suffer from restlessness with weakness, brain fog, or depression? Are you sensitive to noise and people talking? Zincum may be your remedy.

Things That Happen to Fingers

Fingers are in the front-line for being injured or damaged. Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to treat crushes, cuts, burns, punctures, and more with homeopathy.

Lack of Confidence and Learning Difficulties

Mitchell was a nine-year-old boy who hated school. Writing was difficult and concentration was poor. Homeopathy made a big difference.

Homeopathy: Physician’s Perspective

A homeopathic doctor responds to criticism of homeopathy by explaining how in the face of all available evidence that there's just no way to justify the placebo argument.

Somi – An Aggressive Child

Somi was an angry 7-year-old facing expulsion from school. His mother was at her wits end and so decided to try homeopathy. Here's what happened.

Study: Arnica and UV Damage

Many know of Arnica's benefits following a bruise or injury but how many also know that it repairs genetic damage from the sun's ultra-violet radiation - at least in bacteria?

Q. Do Homeopathic Remedies Have Side-effects?

A. It's a myth that there are no ‘side-effects’ with homeopathy. Here's the lowdown on when and why they happen, and what they mean.

Q. What Can Homeopathy Treat?

Homeopaths are often asked if homeopathy will treat asthma, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, or any one of a number of diseases. Here's the answer.

Homeopathy for Hangover and Over-Indulgence

We know we shouldn’t consume food and alcohol to the point of hangovers and digestive upsets but sometimes... These remedies settle the symptoms.