Q. COVID-19 Animal Infections – Can Homeopathy Help?

Q. Can homeopathy help animals infected with COVID-19? A. The short answer is, yes. And, as with humans, it can also offer them protection. With the ongoing spread of the […]

COVID Chronicles: Which Remedy?

Remedies, Remedies, Everywhere! In the search for a COVID-19 preventative and treatment, it only takes a quick look on the internet to see a number of homeopathic remedies have been […]

COVID-19: Is It Like Mountain Sickness?

An ICU Doctor Speaks A concerned ICU physician from New York has released a video with new information about COVID-19 symptoms that is relevant to us all. He says that […]

Cuba Uses Homeopathy for COVID-19

India is not the only country using homeopathy as a preventative for COVID-19. Cuba with its population of 11.34 million is doing the same. Since early April, the Cuban Ministry […]

Have Two Homeopathic Doctors Identified a Treatment and Preventative Remedy for COVID-19?

Update: On publishing information about the missing article, it was recovered and replicated across the internet. Information on the latest treatment by these two doctors can also be read at: […]

Studies: Homeopathy for Arsenic Poisoning

Arsenic-contaminated groundwater slowly poisons millions of people who are too poor to live elsewhere - but look at what homeopathy does.

COVID-19: Three Chinese Case Reports

Quarantine measures with language and technology barriers made the case-taking of these three COVID-19 patients an interesting but useful experience. In February 2020, one of our homeopaths was asked to […]

Case 1: COVID-19 in a 62-Year-Old Male

Background More information on other cases and how the case-takings were conducted. The initial source of infection was unknown though two other relatives were diagnosed at the same time as […]

Case 2: COVID-19 in a 35-Year-Old Male

Background More information on other cases and how the case-takings were conducted. This person lived with parents who had recently been hospitalised with confirmed COVID-19. The source of their infection […]