Case 3: COVID-19 in a 38-Year-Old Female

Background More information on other cases and how the case-takings were conducted. Patient’s exposure and point of contagion are unknown. I took the case of this patient via a screen […]

Four Ear Infections – Four Different Remedies

Four 'ear pain' cases from our clinic show how, with the right remedy, ear infections quickly resolve - something that's welcome news for children and adults alike.

Return of Old Symptoms

Marie was grateful that her menopausal symptoms had improved with homeopathy but past problems such as shoulder pain and hay fever had returned. Why?

India Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics

The Indian Government Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) reports how it curtailed epidemics of bacillary dysentery, chikungunya, cholera, conjunctivitis, Dengue fever, fevers, flu-like illness, gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, jaundice, […]

Q. Will the Coronavirus Nosode Help with COVID-19?

A coronavirus nosode that has been in existence for many years is being touted on the internet and elsewhere as a prophylactic (preventative) for the new coronavirus disease – COVID-19. […]

New Coronavirus: All Eyes On India

2nd March, 2020: With only three reported infections so far at the time of writing – all recovered – what does India know about the new coronavirus and COVID-19 disease […]

Boericke on Arnica Montana (Arn.)

Arnica (Leopard’s Bane) Produces conditions upon the system quite similar to those resulting from injuries, falls, blows, contusions. Tinnitus aurium. Putrid phenomena. Septic conditions; prophylactic of pus infection. Apoplexy, red, full […]

COVID-19 Case Reports

Information on accessing Case Reports will be posted in our newsletter. Until then, please bookmark this page to check for updated information.

Trial: Influenza-like Syndromes

A homeopathic preparation was tested for the treatment of influenza and influenza-related syndromes. 63% of patients experienced complete resolution or clear improvement.