Video: Homeopathy Instead of Herbicides

Giovanni Dinelli is an Italian professor. His research focuses on sustainable agriculture which uses safe homeopathic remedies rather than harmful herbicides and fungicides.

Alcoholic remedies

Q: Do homeopathic remedies contain alcohol? The answer is both yes and no. Find out why and what to do if you want your remedies alcohol free.

Video: Childhood Diarrhoea Study

A doctor's study on what happened when homeopathy was used for childhood diarrhoea was published in a prestigious medical journal. Skeptics then attempted to tear it apart.

Shilpa’s Rhus-toxicodendron Flu

What's significant about a Rhus-tox flu? Shaking, anxiety, restlessness and aching stiffness and joint pain that improves with movement are just some of its symptoms.

Study: Homeopathic Remedies Improved Sleep Patterns

Young adults with insomnia who also demonstrated emotional issues were enrolled in a homeopathic sleep study. The results were positive.

Know Your Remedies: Phosphorus (Phos.)

Phosphorus suits those who are open, affectionate and sympathetic but also prone to being naive, suggestible, or 'spacey'. Phosphorus children are often slender and grow rapidly.

Study: Homeopathic Treatment and Prevention of Migraine in Children

Homeopathic treatment led to a significant decrease in the frequency, severity, and duration of these children's migraines.

Homeopathy for Turtles

“In the image below, you can see KimChi the female turtle. She is usually a 'Nux Vomica' personality and this is her main remedy should one be needed.”

Know Your Remedies: Graphites (Graph.)

Graphites is a remedy for anxiety and types of skin complaints. Those needing it are often chilly, prone to obesity, and dislike sweet things - especially with meat. Sound familiar?