Remedies for Disasters (Part 1)

We help you put together an emergency homeopathy kit, teach you how to use it and explain how to help others.

Asthma: Breathing Made Easy with Homeopathy

The correct remedy averts an acute crisis while ongoing treatment works to reduce or clear the condition completely.

Know Your Remedies: Coffea Cruda (Coff.)

Coffea is a remedy for mental or physical overstimulation, hyperactivity, nervousness, types of toothache and hot flushes.

Radiation Sickness and Poisoning: Guidelines for Homeopathic Treatment and Prevention

How does homeopathy help with radiation sickness or poisoning? Cadm-i, Phosphorus, and Stront-c are some of the remedies to consider.

Studies: Homeopathy and Hay Fever

Should homeopathy be considered a primary form of treatment for allergy sufferers when it relieves hypersensitivity.

Study: Homeopathy for Haemophilia

Treatment reduced the severity of bleeding, relieved pain, improved mental well-being, and lessened absenteeism.

Preliminary Responses from the Helix Tosta Survey

"Half of respondents said Helix tosta produced an ‘excellent’ result. Others classified the result as ‘good’".

Homeopathy, Rabbit Plagues, and Nazi Germany

Step into history and learn about homeopathy in both Nazi Germany and during a rabbit plague.

Study: Breast Cancer Research

Homeopathy demonstrated a similar effect to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells, and without injuring normal cells.