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Q. Carbo Veg – a ‘Corpse Reviver’?

“Carb-v is prepared from vegetable charcoal. It is best known for its seemingly miraculous ability in some circumstances to revive people or animals close to death.”

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections

Situation: it's night. Your little one is fretting with ear pain. What to do? Homeopathy? In four clinical trials it relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.

Know Your Remedies: Camphora Officinale (Camph.)

Camphora is an important remedy for sensations of coldness - in general or isolated parts - and types of collapse as may occur in sunstroke, fainting, dysentery or cholera.

History: The Homeopathic Treatment and Prevention of Cholera (Part B)

Part A of this series looked at the historical use of homeopathy during cholera epidemics. This article looks at the remedies used and the reasons for their selection.

Know Your Remedy: Nux Moschata (Nux-m)

Who would have thought that common nutmeg, regularly used as a culinary spice, could treat symptoms such as confusion and sleepiness when potentised into a remedy?

Homeopathy made simple: Treating ‘family and friend’ ailments

“In this Part 2, we progress to using homeopathy for simple acute complaints such as coughs, colds, and headaches that affect family and friends. Because everyone experiences these complaints differently, […]

What is a Homeopathic Aggravation?

An aggravation is the temporary appearance of new symptoms, or a temporary intensification of existing symptoms, following a dose of a homeopathic remedy. Aggravations are harmless, usually mild, and short-lived. […]

Homeopathy for Croup

Debbie Bruck describes what it was like, before she studied homeopathy, when her young children had croup. She says: “I remember sitting outside on the front stoop with my young […]

Aconite napellus (Acon.)

Aconite napellus is a purple flowering plant found in Western and Central Europe. It is known by the common names of monkshood (because of the shape of the flower) or […]