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Monica’s Story – My Weird Symptoms

People ask, “Do homeopaths specialise in certain fields?” Are there ‘fertility homeopaths’ or ‘autism homeopaths’? The answer is, not really. Here's why.

Study: Breast Cancer Research

Homeopathy demonstrated a similar effect to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells but without the injury to normal cells.

How Often Should I Take My Remedy?

"The more intense the symptoms the more frequent the remedy should be given." Here's a guide on how often to dose and when improvements should be seen if the remedy is correct.

Things That Happen to Fingers

Fingers are in the front-line for being injured or damaged. Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to treat crushes, cuts, burns, punctures, and more with homeopathy.

Somi – An Aggressive Child

Somi was an angry 7-year-old facing expulsion from school. His mother was at her wits end and so decided to try homeopathy. Here's what happened.

Study: Arnica and UV Damage

Many know of Arnica's benefits following a bruise or injury but how many also know that it repairs genetic damage from the sun's ultra-violet radiation - at least in bacteria?

Remedy Stop Working?

Q. Why does a homeopathic remedy stop working after producing good results for months? There are two main reasons, and we discuss both.

You Too Can Test Homeopathy

For those who doubt, here's a simple homeopathic experiment to try at home. All you need are a few bean seeds and one remedy. You can even make the remedy yourself.

Tutorial 15 – What to Expect (Part A)

With homeopathic treatment, results vary from person to person. Some results are dramatic and profound while others are mild or almost unnoticeable. We explain why.