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20 Must-Have Remedies 1

20 Must-Have Remedies

What would you include in a home-use kit? Here's a list of common homeopathic remedies for first-aid situations, infections, and constitutional imbalances.

Know Your Remedies: Baptisia Tinctoria (Bapt.) 2

Know Your Remedies: Baptisia Tinctoria (Bapt.)

Traditionally, Baptisia has been used for serious types of infections such as diphtheria, flu, typhoid and sepsis when the person was also confused, groggy and sleepy.

Case: Allergic Conjunctivitis 3

Case: Allergic Conjunctivitis

An eye surgeon and ophthalmologist says, “after coming in contact with homeopathy … I have been able to cure many cases of allergic conjunctivitis with homeopathic treatment”.

Remedies for URTIs 4

Remedies for URTIs

Dig deep with this comprehensive list of remedies for all sorts of coughs and colds. Choose the one that matches your symptoms to aid a speedy recovery.

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections 5

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections

Scenario: it's night. Your little one is fretful with ear pain. What to do? In four clinical trials homeopathic remedies relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.

Drug Resistant Infections 6

Drug Resistant Infections

“In the United States, two million people contract drug resistant infections annually, and 162,000 die from them…” What can homeopathy offer? Lots. Find out more, here.

Four Ear Infections - Four Different Remedies 7

Four Ear Infections – Four Different Remedies

Four 'ear pain' cases from our clinic show how, with the right remedy, ear infections quickly resolve - something that's welcome news for children and adults alike.

20 Must-have Remedies 8

20 Must-have Remedies

What remedies would you include in a home-use kit? Here's one list to get you started. It covers first-aid situations, infections, and general constitutional remedies.

Canada: Free Homeopathy Course for Public 9

Canada: Free Homeopathy Course for Public

Do you live in Canada? A free homeopathy course is available for the public – but register soon, because it runs on 19 October. As a special feature, this year’s […]