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Law of Similars Discovered

Have you ever wondered how homeopathy came into being? The answer lies with German polymath, a text on malaria, and a poorly understood law of nature.

Studies: Homeopathy and Malaria

Good news: if affected countries want to control their malaria problem it may be no more difficult than looking at those already doing it with homeopathy.

Know Your Remedies: Urtica Urens (Urt-u.)

Urtica is an important remedy for skin complaints such as hives and burns. It’s also a useful in types of gout, rheumatism, malaria, shellfish allergy, and agalactorrhea.

Part 2: Three cases of HIV/AIDS – Felician, Esther, and Mary

As antiretroviral therapy became less and less effective, life was more and more difficult for these three patients with HIV. Homeopathy made a difference.

Homeopathy and Epidemics

From malaria, influenza and Ebola, to bird flu and parvo, epidemic diseases plague animals and humans alike. A vet explains how he manages two canine ones with homeopathy. 

The Cinchona Experiment

Have you ever wondered how homeopathy came into being? The answer lies with German polymath, a text on malaria, and a poorly understood law of nature.

Let’s look at homeopathy for malaria

Once again, a combination homeopathic treatment has produced a significant antimalarial effect when tested in vivo on mice. The treatment was also found to be non-harmful on their kidney and […]

Homeopathy for malaria

Homeopathic remedies have been used for 200 years for the treatment and prevention of malaria. New research now supports the clinical efficacy of this practice. The study in question was […]

Homeopathy Used to Combat Malaria

Several Indian newspapers report that a homeopathic remedy able to treat and prevent malaria is now being distributed by the government, free of charge and door-to-door, to residents in Raipur. […]