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Collapsed Lung and Homeopathy 1

Collapsed Lung and Homeopathy

Max had been in hospital for six months. What started off as a 'simple heart attack' led to other problems and ongoing deterioration. Surgeons wanted to operate.

Homeopathy & Autism – Alison’s Story 2

Homeopathy & Autism – Alison’s Story

"I have a 6-year-old daughter Alison, with Aspergers, who has been treated with constitutional homeopathy for just over a year." This is what happened.

Homeopathy and Autism - Melissa's Story 3

Homeopathy and Autism – Melissa’s Story

"... she wasn’t even acknowledging my husband’s presence when he came home from work at the end of the day."

Monica’s Story – My Weird Symptoms 4

Monica’s Story – My Weird Symptoms

People often ask, “Do homeopaths specialise in certain fields?” Are there ‘fertility homeopaths’ or ‘autism homeopaths’? The answer is, not really. Here's why.