Farm Homeopathy – What the Farmers Say

Here’s a fascinating newsletter from Farm Homeopathy. It’s opening paragraph says: “Because there is nothing in it and there is no possible explanation for its action it is widely understood […]

Homeopathic Firsts

Something for the history buffs; homeopathy is responsible for many firsts. Within one lifetime, its founder, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered and developed this complete system of medicine with core principles of […]

Homeopathy and the Top 5 Reasons Why We Visit the Podiatrist

“An engineering miracle combining grace, durability and sensitivity – it’s an apt description of the human foot. Perhaps one of the most neglected parts of the body, generally hidden from […]

Shingles, Vitamins and Homeopathy

Debbie and friends from HWC discuss homeopathic remedies and other treatment options for shingles. “Herpes zoster (commonly known as shingles) is a viral infection that causes extremely painful blisterlike eruptions […]

20th Century Performers and Entertainers Who Loved Homeopathy

Which performers speak highly of homeopathy? Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Dizzy Gillespie, Ravi Shankar, Tina Turner, Paul McCartney, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, and Cher for starters. Sir Yehudi Menuhin said, “Homeopathy […]

Homeopathy to Replace Antibiotics for Farm Animal Diseases?

Will homeopathy replace antibiotics for farm animals in Europe? We are confident it will as it is already being used extensively by UK and EU farmers for this very purpose. […]

One Mum, 2 children, and lots of mosaic warts – how homeopathy helped

One Mum, two children and mosaic warts. Read Robyn’s story of what happened when she used homeopathy – and well done to Angela, the treating homeopath. Link

Who’s used homeopathy? Rod Stewart’s wife, Penny Lancaster

Who’s used homeopathy? Rod Stewart’s wife for one. After two unsuccessful cycles of IVF, Penny Lancaster consulted homeopathic specialists in the US who discovered high levels of mercury in her […]

Research on Hering’s ‘Direction of Cure’

Researchers investigate homeopathy and Hering’s ‘Direction of Cure’. Direction of Cure is a simple tool homeopaths use to tell if a person’s health is getting better … or worse. It’s […]