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Research in Homeopathy 1

Research in Homeopathy

“Shown below are abstracts from human, animal, plant and in-vitro scientific studies that attest the reality that there is indeed evidence for homeopathy, and lots of it.”

Study: Individualised Homeopathy Effective for Insomnia 2

Study: Individualised Homeopathy Effective for Insomnia

Homeopathic treatment with single remedies performed better than placebo for chronic insomnia in this study. A significant increase in the number of hours slept was achieved.

Homeopathy for Chronic Patients 3

Homeopathy for Chronic Patients

2,722 Swedish and German patients with chronic health problems including migraines, asthma, and depression were treated with homeopathy with positive results.

Epilepsy and Homeopathy 4

Epilepsy and Homeopathy

Compare the conventional and homeopathic approach to epilepsy and the different symptom profiles for remedies used for the condition. A study link is included.

Study: Feline Hyperthyroidism 5

Study: Feline Hyperthyroidism

Can homeopathy help? Yes, according to this study in which thyroxine levels returned to normal in 8 out of 13 cats. Hobbs, Harley and Beau were very happy.

Study: High Blood Pressure 6

Study: High Blood Pressure

An interesting study compared the short-term effects on blood pressure of a homeopathic remedy (Veratrum viride) and a common allopathic antihypertensive drug (Atenolol).

Homeopathy Avoided Amputation 7

Homeopathy Avoided Amputation

A collection of case reports looks at 5 patients, some diabetic, who avoided amputation when their infected, gangrenous ulcers were treated with homeopathy.

Study: Homeopathy for ADHD 8

Study: Homeopathy for ADHD

In a pilot study of children and teens, 63% experienced significant improvement with no side-effects when their ADHD was treated with homeopathy.

Study: Psoriasis Treated by homeopathy 9

Study: Psoriasis Treated by homeopathy

Researchers found that psoriasis, quality of life and other pre-existing health problems improved when homeopathy was used for treatment.