Tutorial 11 – Return of Old Symptoms

Marie was relieved that her menopausal symptoms had improved with homeopathy but past problems such as a painful shoulder and hay fever had returned. Why?

Homeopathy for Brian

At 65 years of age, Brian was suffering from crippling anxiety, bloat, colic, profuse sweat, dry flaking skin, back pain and poor sleep. One remedy made a big difference.

Homeopathy for Wendy’s Stomach Pain

9-year-old Wendy's stomach pain was accompanied by nausea, chilliness, pale and clammy face and a headache over her right eye.

Research in Homeopathy

“Shown below are abstracts from human, animal, plant and in-vitro scientific studies that attest the reality that there is indeed evidence for homeopathy, and lots of it.”

Battling the Bulge with Homeopathy

Read what happened to Caroline, one woman who decided to make some lifestyle changes and start homeopathic treatment with a remedy that matched her symptoms

Arsenic Poisoning Treated by Homeopathy

Groundwater around the world is contaminated by arsenic. The 'detoxing' effect of homeopathic arsenic is being used to help some affected communities.

Studies: Preparing for Radiation

Going for an X-ray, CT scan, mammogram or fluoroscopy? Here's two studies in which homeopathy protected against radiation exposure, showing homeopathy is not just about treatment.

Agrohomeopathy Q&A

You asked and Kaviraj responded with homeopathic suggestions for potato blight, fruit flies, white ants, snails, leaf miners, cockroaches, couch grass, fleas, and more.

Pain Relief with Homeopathy

Patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders, when given homeopathy, had a reduced need for conventional pain medications.