Study: Homeopathy and Tonsillitis

The pain and inflammation of tonsillitis improved significantly in the homeopathic group, and without adverse events.

A Study of Homeopathic X-ray

Homeopathic X-ray is a treatment and prevention. Both uses and its early provings are presented in this article.

Homeopathy’s “Memory of Water”

Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier presented a quasi-homeopathic method of how to detect viral infection.

Wound Heals with Homeopathy

A 4-year-old gelding quickly responded to homeopathy for delayed wound healing and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria.

Homeopathy for Chronic Patients

Patients with problems such as migraines, depression, and asthma improved significantly with homeopathic treatment.

Video: Trial Design Challenges in Homeopathic Medical Research

Join this doctor as she discusses trial design, randomized control trials, and the concept of placebo effect in relation to homeopathy.

Study: High Blood Pressure

A study compared the effects on blood pressure of a homeopathic remedy and an allopathic drug

Homeopathy Avoided Amputation

These case reports look at 5 patients, some diabetic, who avoided amputation when treated with homeopathy.

Study: Homeopathy for ADHD

In a pilot study, 63% experienced significant improvement with no side-effects when their ADHD was treated with homeopathy.