Video: Childhood Diarrhoea Study
A doctor's study on what happened when homeopathy was used for childhood diarrhoea was published in a prestigious medical journal. Skeptics then attempted to tear it apart.

Video: ‘Proving’ Research
"He experiments on healthy volunteers to uncover the symptoms a remedy causes because, based on the principle of 'like cures like', what a remedy causes it can also cure.”

Video: Research Comparing Homeopathy with Conventional Medicine
Studies show that patients treated with homeopathy by their medical doctor do as well or better than those given a conventional medicine.

Video: Making a Homeopathic Remedy
Learn how pharmacies manufacture remedies, the steps of remedy preparation, and the different methods used for various substances.

Homeopathy for Fever
Fevers are a vital part of the healing process. Suppressing them with medicines delays that healing. Homeopathy helps by correcting what caused the fever so it then resolves.

Video: Homeopathic Bryonia
What’s Bryonia good for? Joint and muscle pain aggravated by motion, fevers with intense thirst and dryness, and more. Watch this short video for more information.

Video: Homeopathy Complements
A doctor talks of her love for homeopathy and the conditions she has successfully treated using this therapy - recurring infections, mastitis, herpes, and more.

Video: Jeremy Sherr | Proving Research
A homeopath explains the remedy testing process (provings) with several new remedies and discusses the validation of homeopathy with double-blind reprovings of old remedies.

Video: Nat mur
Here’s an easy-to-understand introduction to this great remedy for reocurrent respiratory allergies, sun allergies triggered by sun exposure and more.