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Video: Homeopathy for Multiple Diseases and Antibiotic Resistance

People on 7 - 8 drugs have an 80% risk of adverse reactions. Homeopathy offers a safer option.

AUTISM: What Difference Does Homeopathy Make?

Which symptoms make it possible for children to be treated with homeopathy even when they can't tell you what is wrong with them?

Video: Researchers Explore the Use of Homeopathy in Aquaculture

Dr Antonio López Carvallo researches how the health and disease resistance of marine organisms such as fish, shrimp, oysters, and mussels is improved by homeopathy. Video Synopsis Dr Jesús Antonio […]

Video: Making a Homeopathic Remedy

Learn how pharmacies manufacture remedies, the steps of remedy preparation, and the different methods used for various substances.

Homeopathy for Fever

Fevers are a vital part of the healing process. Suppressing them with medicines delays that healing. Homeopathy helps by correcting what caused the fever so it then resolves.

Video: Homeopathic Bryonia

What’s Bryonia good for? Joint and muscle pain aggravated by motion, fevers with intense thirst and dryness, and more. Watch this short video for more information.

Video: Homeopathy Complements

A doctor talks of her love for homeopathy and the conditions she has successfully treated using this therapy - recurring infections, mastitis, herpes, and more.

Video: Jeremy Sherr | Proving Research

A homeopath explains the remedy testing process (provings) with several new remedies and discusses the validation of homeopathy with double-blind reprovings of old remedies.

Video: Nat mur

Here’s an easy-to-understand introduction to this great remedy for reocurrent respiratory allergies, sun allergies triggered by sun exposure and more.