Deter Snails with Homeopathy

Our first experience with agrohomeopathy was when one of our homeopaths tried Helix tosta on her rhubarb plant to see if it deterred snails. Here's what happened.

Agrohomeopathy Dosing Instructions

Keen to make the most of our Agrohomeopathy special but not sure how to use the remedies? See our information sheet for dosage instructions and storage information.

Tutorial 4 – Three Scales of Potency

Homeopathic remedies are prepared in three different potency scales: centesimal, decimal and quinquagintamillesimal. (Yes, it is a word). But, why? And how are they used?

Wheat and Dairy Allergy

Two main reasons people give for using homeopathy is that it’s safe and that it works. But what about those with a wheat or dairy intolerance – can they still use remedies?

Tutorial 3 – Potentisation

The discovery of potentisation put an end to the dangerous side-effects of some homeopathic remedies and opened the door to safe treatments for all, even with 'poisons'.

Homeopathy Tops Northern Ireland Study

A Northern Ireland Government study found that alternative and complementary therapies, especially homeopathy, offered significant health benefits and reduced healthcare costs.

Law of Similars Discovered

Have you ever wondered how homeopathy came into being? The answer lies with German polymath, a text on malaria, and a poorly understood law of nature.

Know Your Remedies: Clematis Erecta (Clem.)

Clematis is a remedy for toothache, hard swollen glands, gonorrhoea, cystitis and urethritis symptoms. Those needing this remedy dislike being alone but avoid talking with people.

Tutorial 1 – The Law of Similars

What do coffee, stimulants, and onions have in common? Their effect on the healthy person demonstrates homeopathy's Law of Similars.