Conquering Kidney Stones: Kirsten’s Story

"I have suffered from recurring kidney stones since I was 17-years-old, and have needed major surgery about every 18 months ..."

Video: Research Comparing Homeopathy with Conventional Medicine

Studies show that patients treated with homeopathy by their medical doctor do as well or better than those given a conventional medicine.

Saved by Homeopathy

Roger Daltrey, of The Who fame, has been a firm advocate for homeopathy ever since his baby son, seemingly close to death, was returned to health by a homeopathic remedy.

Know Your Remedies: Nux Vomica (Nux.)

Do you work hard, play hard and overindulge with food or drink? Are you competitive, driven, impatient and irritable? Nux-v eases these and other limiting traits.

Best Chance to Quit Smoking?

This doctor recommends 3 homeopathic remedies to reduce nicotine cravings, increase resilience to emotional triggers, and strengthen will power when trying to quit.

Know Your Remedies: Stramonium (Stram.)

Stramonium is a remedy for symptoms arising from terror, suppressed anger, or neurological injury. Stammering, spasms, fear of the dark, and light sensitivity are key symptoms.

Know Your Remedies – Ruta Graveolens (Ruta)

Ruta graveolens is a go-to remedy for rheumatic, tendon, and connective tissue problems when soreness and stiffness is worsened by cold.

Career Saved with Homeopathy

Madeleine was plagued by sinus problems - something no singer wants. She was soon back to fine form when homeopathy resolved this plus other health complaints.

Know Your Remedies: Calcarea Fluorica (Calc-f.)

Calc-f focuses on the musculoskeletal, glandular and venous systems. It’s also a common remedy for the joint problems of gymnasts and dancers.