Know Your Remedies: Agaricus Muscarius (Agar.)
Are you tired of twitches, jerks, tics, cramps and spasms? Are these symptoms worsened by thunderstorms or sexual activity? You might need Agaricus.
Agrohomeopathy Repertory
Agrohomeopathy - the use of homeopathy for plant diseases - is still in its infancy but here's one repertory to use when looking at remedies for plant problems.
Study: Homeopathy for Asthma, Eczema, Food Intolerances, and Hay Fever
Italian research looked at the effects of homeopathic treatment on the asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis (AD) and food intolerances of 213 children.
Coffee Helps a Sleepless Husband
“My husband can’t sleep at night unless he has a cup of coffee. I've told him it's the homeopathic effect but he laughs. Am I right?”
Common Cold Treatments
If you are in the northern hemisphere you are well aware that you are in the middle of coughs, sneezes and sniffles. Discover self-help treatments and common remedies for these colds.
Study: Psoriasis Treated by homeopathy
Researchers found that psoriasis, quality of life and other pre-existing health problems improved when homeopathy was used for treatment.
Know Your Remedies: Aconitum napellus (Acon.)
Aconite is a go-to remedy for intense and rapid-onset symptoms relating to colds, flu, croup, ear problems, shock, and more. Learn when to use it for friends, family, and even pets.
Ask Kaviraj — Issue 9
Do you have trouble with cabbage butterflies, dairy cow mastitis, or Lyme ticks? Here's what agrohomeopathy pioneer Kaviraj suggested for these and other problems.
What is Isopathy?
Peanuts for peanut allergy? Lead for lead poisoning? You may be thinking of the isopathic approach. Here's an overview of how it is used, its benefits and its limitations.