Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Drug resistance and mutations create concern about a malaria resurgence. Homeopathy doesn't create resistance.

From Hippy to Homeopath: the Story of Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj
Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj was one of the leading voices in the use of homeopathy for plants and soil. Here's the story of his early days of progression into agrohomeopathy.

Recovering from Heartbreak
It would be wonderful if relationships always ended pleasantly but, people being people, that's not the way it happens sometimes. Homeopathy helps with the emotional fallout.

Agrohomeopathy Q&A
You asked and Kaviraj responded with homeopathic suggestions for potato blight, fruit flies, white ants, snails, leaf miners, cockroaches, couch grass, fleas, and more.

Know Your Remedies: Sepia Officinalis (Sep.)
Those who need Sepia usually feel chilly, crave chocolate and sour things but dislike fats, consolation and sympathy when upset. Vigorous exercise often improves symptoms.

Question: What Happens If You Take the Wrong Homeopathic Medicine?
Oh no! You just took a dose of your remedy and realised ... it's the wrong one! What should you do? First, there's no need to panic and, second, we tell you what to do should there be an aggravation.

Homeopathic Research, Public Health Evaluators and Governmental Agencies
“... these real-world effectiveness studies are not taken seriously by other researchers or by public health evaluators ..."

Part 1: Homeopathy and AIDS – A Letter from Africa
It is hot today, perhaps 38C, but the morning was cool and crisp, and the Kilimanjaro had a fresh coat of snow to decorate its curves. As usual, there is no water or electricity but you get used to that.

Know Your Remedies: Camphora Officinale (Camph.)
Camphora (Camph.)is an important remedy for sensations of coldness - in general or in spots - and types of collapse as may occur in sunstroke, fainting, dysentery or cholera for which it is still used with success in some countries today.