Homeopathy for Chronic Patients

Patients with problems such as migraines, depression, and asthma improved significantly with homeopathic treatment.

Agrohomeopathy for Creepy Crawlies

Do you have a beetle, cyclid, silverfish, ant, earwig, spider or caterpillar problem? Here's what this homeopath suggested.

Autism – Connor’s Story

“It has been sad watching my beautiful boy, from being perfectly normal and chatty, turn into a child with speech and behaviour problems”.

Trauma and Grief – Mary’s Story

"... Homeopathy seemed so right, yet it wasn’t until about two years ago that I actually went to see a homeopath.”

Know Your Remedies: Clematis Erecta (Clem.)

"Glands become hard and painfully swollen while neuralgic (nerve) pain or electric-like shocks are worse at night.."

Ask Kaviraj — Issue 12

You asked and agrohomeopathy pioneer Kaviraj, answered. Here are his suggestions for bedbugs, mice, goldfish, spiders, and more

Brittany’s Tea Craving and Flatulence

Brittany had a problem: flatulence. It was frequent and offensive. It smelt like mouldy tea and could clear a room.

Know Your Remedies: Podophyllum Peltatum (Podo.)

Podophyllum is a remedy for gastrointestinal upsets, colitis and prolapse of the rectum or uterus.

Homeopathy Made Simple – How Would You Like Your Remedy? (Part 3)

Learn how homeopathic remedies are dispensed, the difference between sugar pills and liquids, and how to use both.