Homeopathy and Autism – Melissa’s Story
"... she wasn’t even acknowledging my husband’s presence when he came home from work at the end of the day."

Alzheimers and Stroke Helped
Old age brings challenges, many related to health. Read how this grandmother’s Alzheimer’s and subsequent stroke improved with homeopathy.

Top 10 Remedies for Acne
Here's a 'top ten' list of remedies for acne but many others help as well. If you can't find a suitable one from the list consider seeing a homeopath for an individualised prescription.

Brain Injury – Homeopathic Help
Homeopathy led to significant improvements for people with traumatic brain injury, even those whose injury was of many years’ duration. Here's what happened.

Studies: Homeopathy and Hay Fever
Should homeopathy be considered a primary form of treatment for allergy sufferers when it relieves hypersensitivity.

Study: Breast Cancer Research
Homeopathy demonstrated a similar effect to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells, and without injuring normal cells.

Airport X-Rays and Remedies
Do airport x-ray machines and scanners affect homeopathic remedies? Here's the answer and the accompanying research.

You Too Can Test Homeopathy
Here's a simple homeopathic experiment to try at home. All you need is a few bean seeds and one remedy.

Actium’s Lipoma, & Homeopathy
Actium the budgerigar had a lipoma - a fatty tumour. The vet said surgery would be risky and likely result in death.