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Airport X-Rays and Remedies

We are often asked, "Will airport x-ray machines and scanners affect our remedies?" Here's the answer and the accompanying research.

Study: Breast Cancer Research

Homeopathy demonstrated a similar effect to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells but without the injury to normal cells.

Peanut Allergy Cured by Peanuts?

Doctors are using trace amounts of peanuts to cure anaphylactic peanut allergies in children. Sounds a little like homeopathy.

How Often Should I Take My Remedy?

"The more intense the symptoms the more frequent the remedy should be given." Here's a guide on how often to dose and when improvements should be seen if the remedy is correct.

Things That Happen to Fingers

Fingers are in the front-line for being injured or damaged. Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to treat crushes, cuts, burns, punctures, and more with homeopathy.

Study: Arnica and UV Damage

Many know of Arnica's benefits following a bruise or injury but how many also know that it repairs genetic damage from the sun's ultra-violet radiation - at least in bacteria?

Study: Homeopathic Remedies Improved Sleep Patterns

Young adults with insomnia who also demonstrated emotional issues were enrolled in a homeopathic sleep study. The results were positive.

You Too Can Test Homeopathy

For those who doubt, here's a simple homeopathic experiment to try at home. All you need are a few bean seeds and one remedy. You can even make the remedy yourself.

Actium’s Lipoma, & Homeopathy

Actium the budgerigar had a lipoma - a fatty tumour growing on his chest. The vet said surgery would be risky and likely result in death so homeopathy was used instead. What a result!