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The man with his head in an invisible vice

Dr Phil Whitaker tells an interesting story in the New Statesman about the unusual and seemingly untreatable symptoms of one of his patients – and what eventually resolved them. He […]

Homeopathy at the animal shelter

Maneka Ghandi divides her time between running an animal shelter and working as a parliamentarian. She writes an interesting article for Mizo News in which she tells how homeopathy has […]

Veterinary homeopathy can help pets with heart disease

Vet Jeff Feinman writes about canine heart disease and ways it can be treated – including with homeopathy. The blog comments, where other readers share their experiences with homeopathy, are […]

Study: Terminal cancer patients who also used homeopathy lived longer

The authors call the results “interesting” and say larger sample sizes and further research are needed. They report: “The surveyed neoplasms were glioblastoma, lung, cholangiocellular and pancreatic carcinomas, metastasized sarcoma, […]

Homeopathy for Bad Habits

Homeopathy for bad habits: Tics and twitches, hair-twirling, thumb-sucking, nail-biting, nose picking, drinking, smoking and drug dependency. Dr Souter has written an interesting article with practical steps on how to […]

GPs say wacky alternatives such as homeopathy AREN’T hokum

The Daily Mail has interviewed six GPs who also use alternative therapy as part of their practice. Dr Tim Robinson tells how he came to use homeopathy and says, “Sceptics […]

Bad habits – get rid of them with homeopathy?

Habits, tics and twitches such as hair-twirling, thumb-sucking, nail-biting, nose picking, grimacing, drinking, smoking or drug dependency are often helped by homeopathy. Dr Souter has an interesting article with practical […]

The Professor and the Dame

According to recent media reports the UK Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davis has branded homeopathy “rubbish” and its practitioners “peddlars”. Dr Lionel R Milgrom (BSc, MSc, PhD, CChem, FRSC, […]

Homeopathy – Popular In India

Some interesting stats on homeopathy in India from 2011: Its popularity is second only to France The homeopathic market is growing by 30% each year Over 100 million people are […]