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Airport X-Rays and Remedies

We are often asked, "Will airport x-ray machines and scanners affect our remedies?" Here's the answer and the accompanying research.

Brawls, Falls and Homeopathy

Remedies for fractures: "Brett’s face was grotesquely swollen and already black and blue from the bruising. His jaw was broken in two places and several teeth were missing..."

Effective Against Melanoma?

Brazilian scientists showed over several studies that potentised remedies reduced and controlled the spread of melanoma cells and tumors.

20 Must-Have Remedies

What would you include in a home-use kit? Here's a list of homeopathic remedies that cover first-aid situations, infections, and constitutional imbalances.

Q. Do Homeopathic Remedies Have Side-effects?

A. It's a myth that there are no ‘side-effects’ with homeopathy. Here's the lowdown on when and why they happen, and what they mean.

Agrohomeopathy: An Introduction to Healing Plants and Planet with Homeopathy

Agrohomeopathy pioneer, Vaikunthanath das Kaviraj, tells how he first used homeopathy for plants when trying to help diseased apple trees.

Study: Homeopathic Remedies Improved Sleep Patterns

Young adults with insomnia who also demonstrated emotional issues were enrolled in a homeopathic sleep study. The results were positive.

Quick Help for Children’s Fevers

Homeopathy doesn't suppress fevers. Instead, it stimulates the body to overcome what is causing the fever so that the person's temperature quickly returns to normal.

Tutorial 12 – Treatment Approaches Compared

How does homeopathy differ from other therapies? We compare it to Bach flowers, tissue salts, herbs, and others to help explain the differences.