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Airport X-Rays and Remedies

We are often asked, "Will airport x-ray machines and scanners affect our remedies?" Here's the answer and the accompanying research.

How Often Should I Take My Remedy?

"The more intense the symptoms the more frequent the remedy should be given." Here's a guide on how often to dose and when improvements should be seen if the remedy is correct.

Effective Against Melanoma?

Brazilian scientists showed over several studies that potentised remedies reduced and controlled the spread of melanoma cells and tumors.

Things That Happen to Fingers

Fingers are in the front-line for being injured or damaged. Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to treat crushes, cuts, burns, punctures, and more with homeopathy.

Study: Arnica and UV Damage

Many know of Arnica's benefits following a bruise or injury but how many also know that it repairs genetic damage from the sun's ultra-violet radiation - at least in bacteria?

Study: Allergies Improve with Homeopathy

Homeopathy for allergy sufferers led to significant improvement in symptoms. There were no side-effects and their use of conventional drugs, substantially reduced.

Video: Homeopathy Instead of Herbicides

Giovanni Dinelli is an Italian professor. His research focuses on sustainable agriculture which uses safe homeopathic remedies rather than harmful herbicides and fungicides.

Video: Childhood Diarrhoea Study

A doctor's study on what happened when homeopathy was used for childhood diarrhoea was published in a prestigious medical journal. Skeptics then attempted to tear it apart.

You Too Can Test Homeopathy

For those who doubt, here's a simple homeopathic experiment to try at home. All you need are a few bean seeds and one remedy. You can even make the remedy yourself.