Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Do you shake at the knees, tremble when giving a speech, or cancel engagements at short notice because you just can't face them?
Study: Arnica and UV Damage
Many know of Arnica's benefits following a bruise or injury but how many also know that it repairs genetic damage from the sun's ultra-violet radiation - at least in bacteria?
Tutorial 11 – Return of Old Symptoms
Marie was relieved that her menopausal symptoms had improved with homeopathy but past problems such as a painful shoulder and hay fever had returned. Why?
Homeopathy for Brian
At 65 years of age, Brian was suffering from crippling anxiety, bloat, colic, profuse sweat, dry flaking skin, back pain and poor sleep. One remedy made a big difference.
Q. What Can Homeopathy Treat?
Homeopaths are often asked if homeopathy will treat asthma, diabetes, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, or any one of a number of diseases. Here's the answer.
Remedy Stop Working?
Q. Why does a homeopathic remedy stop working after producing good results for months? There are two main reasons, and we discuss both.
Homeopathy for Wendy’s Stomach Pain
9-year-old Wendy's stomach pain was accompanied by nausea, chilliness, pale and clammy face and a headache over her right eye.
Help! I Have PMS!
Do you have mood swings, crave chocolate, or bloat with fluid before your period? You probably have PMS but the good news is that something can be done about it.
Alex and His Remedy
Alex the cat was withdrawn, lacked confidence and was over-licking his skin to the point of creating sores. Read which remedy chosen and how it helped.