Case 3: COVID-19 in a 38-Year-Old Female

An image representing a lady who sought homeopathic treatment for her covid diagnosis.


More information on other cases and how the case-takings were conducted.

Patient’s exposure and point of contagion are unknown. I took the case of this patient via a screen device on day 24 of her symptoms and while she was hospitalised.


The first symptom to appear was a cough followed by loss of taste and smell and then the fever.

COVID-19 infection was confirmed on the fourth day after symptoms appeared, after which the patient was hospitalised.

As the sense of taste started to return (day 5), bitterness of taste was a distinctive symptom. (This has also been reported by other cases, since then).

22nd January 2020 – Day 1

  • Appearance of first symptom – dry cough from itching in the throat.
  • Following onset of cough, and before fever, patient lost her senses of taste and smell.

23rd January 2020 – Day 2

  • Loss of senses of taste and smell (this symptom occurred before the fever but after the cough, and lasted for many days.)

24th January 2020 – Day 3

  • Onset of fever (senses of taste and smell already lost).

25th January 2020 – Day 4

  • COVID-19 confirmed – patient hospitalised at this point (and still hospitalised at time of the interview).
  • Intravenous (IV) and oral treatments started – types and names unknown.

26th January 2020 – Day 5

  • Taste started to return but everything tasted bitter – intense bitter taste.

11th February 2020 – Day 24 (day of homeopathic interview)

  • Patient still hospitalised and on IV/oral medications – types unknown.
  • Sense of taste now normal.
  • Sense of smell almost normal.
  • Things no longer taste bitter.
  • Cough – every minute or so throughout consult, sometimes several times a minute – mostly single coughs that were dry, hoarse, and slightly wheezy. The patient said that this is how the cough had been throughout the duration of her illness but that at one point it had been so severe that she couldn’t breath and thought she might die. There had been no modalities- things that worsen or improve a symptom – but the cough was caused by an itching sensation in her throat.
  • Expectoration – scanty and white, and consistent intermittently throughout the illness.
  • Mostly thirstless – only wanting 300-500mls a day – but mouth not dry.
  • When asked about her temperament and behaviour before and since the illness, she said she was:
    • Emotional – crying easily.
    • Frequently felt lonely and unloved (she also shared that a broken relationship had broken down following the birth of her child last year. Postnatal depression followed and though improved, she had still been seeing a counsellor at the time of falling ill).
    • Frequently angry with herself and partner about the broken relationship.
    • “Loves” babies and children (in response to my specific question about this).


The homeopathic remedy for this case, as would be expected, was based on the unique, and identifying symptoms of the case.

These were: loss of taste and smell followed by a return of bitterness of taste; lack of thirst; type of cough and expectoration, and the patient’s emotional state.

A 3-week delay in the remedy reaching this patient meant that though still hospitalised, symptoms had changed and there was concern that the remedy would no longer be suitable so it was not taken.

A follow-up appointment with this patient is being scheduled and updated information will be presented once available.

COVID-19: Three Chinese Case Reports discusses the difficulties of case-taking and treatment during an epidemic.

Information on Case Prescriptions

For many homeopaths reading these cases, potential remedies will readily spring to mind.

That won’t be the case for those just starting their homeopathic journey but, unfortunately, we are unable to provide that information for them.

Regulatory bodies, in Australia at least, have legislated that homeopathic remedies cannot be presented in the public domain as being useful for COVID-19.

To do so would mean they would be perceived as ‘advertising’ and action taken even though the named remedies have only been presented in the context of information or cases.

This legislation was introduced to stop the spread of misinformation and people taking advantage of those seen as  gullible but it also has the short-sighted effect of suppressing qualified and valuable information for those who may need it most.

While the names of prescribed remedies in these cases can’t be provided, it is still permissible to discuss them within consultations. Knowing this, appointments can be made so that this information can be more freely discussed.

If this is something you would like to do, we strongly recommend that appointments be made with suitable practitioners who always qualify or reference the material they share with you so you can then validate it for yourself.

If you would like to discuss the matter further with us, our free support and information service is always available.

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