Cuba Uses Homeopathy for COVID-19
India is not the only country using homeopathy as a preventative for COVID-19. Cuba with its population of 11.34 million is doing the same. Since early April, the Cuban Ministry […]
Have Two Homeopathic Doctors Identified a Treatment and Preventative Remedy for COVID-19?
Update: On publishing information about the missing article, it was recovered and replicated across the internet. Information on the latest treatment by these two doctors can also be read at: […]
India Uses Homeopathy for Epidemics
The Indian Government Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) reports how it curtailed epidemics of bacillary dysentery, chikungunya, cholera, conjunctivitis, Dengue fever, fevers, flu-like illness, gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, jaundice, […]
Q. Will the Coronavirus Nosode Help with COVID-19?
A coronavirus nosode that has been in existence for many years is being touted on the internet and elsewhere as a prophylactic (preventative) for the new coronavirus disease – COVID-19. […]
New Coronavirus: All Eyes On India
2nd March, 2020: With only three reported infections so far at the time of writing – all recovered – what does India know about the new coronavirus and COVID-19 disease […]
The Politician, His Party, and the Homeopathy Petition
A lot can happen in a week and no one can tell you that more than Steffan Browning. Last week we reported that the New Zealand politician was in hot […]
Update: Homeopathy for Ebola petition
The Homeopathy for Ebola petition, and its information on homeopathy’s successful use during epidemics, was received and signed for by WHO on Thursday, 7th October by Mr (or Ms) Hossain. […]
Politicians “barking mad” over Homeopathy for Ebola petition
New Zealand Green MP Stefan Browning recently said that health officials should consider homeopathy for the Ebola virus. He also signed the Test Homeopathy for Ebola petition, shared it on […]
Formal letters of notification to Guinea, Sierra Leone, and LIberia about Homeopathy for Ebola
Re: Testing and distribution of homeopathic remedies to contain and break the Ebola epidemic. Dear President and Health Minister, Please find enclosed a copy of a petition, still in progress, […]