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Know Your Remedies: Stramonium (Stram.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Stramonium (Stram.)

Stramonium is a remedy for symptoms arising from terror, suppressed anger, or neurological injury. Stammering, spasms, fear of the dark, and light sensitivity are key symptoms.

Know Your Remedies - Ruta Graveolens (Ruta) 2

Know Your Remedies – Ruta Graveolens (Ruta)

Ruta graveolens is a go-to remedy for rheumatic, tendon, and connective tissue problems when soreness and stiffness is worsened by cold.

Know Your Remedies: Calcarea Fluorica (Calc-f.) 3

Know Your Remedies: Calcarea Fluorica (Calc-f.)

Calc-f focuses on the musculoskeletal, glandular and venous systems. It’s also a common remedy for the joint problems of gymnasts and dancers.

Know Your Remedies: Mercurius Solubilis (Merc.) 4

Know Your Remedies: Mercurius Solubilis (Merc.)

Mercurius is a key remedy to consider for complaints with offensive discharges, swollen glands, and slowly healing wounds or abscesses.

Know Your Remedies: Digitalis Purpurea (Dig.) 5

Know Your Remedies: Digitalis Purpurea (Dig.)

In homeopathy, Digitalis purpurea is used for a slow pulse- especially if an enlarged prostate, urinary problems or hepatitis are also present. What else?

Know Your Remedies: Arsenicum Album (Ars.) 6

Know Your Remedies: Arsenicum Album (Ars.)

"Those who need Arsenicum are prone to hypochondriasis and intolerant of untidiness and disorder. They are anxious, critical, and restless, and dislike being alone ..."

Know Your Remedies: Ignatia Amara (Ign.) 7

Know Your Remedies: Ignatia Amara (Ign.)

Those needing Ignatia tend to be idealistic and strongly affected by disappointment or grief. They are easily offended and have changeable or volatile emotions.

Know your remedies: Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus-t.) 8

Know your remedies: Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

Rhus-t relieves types of blisters, hives, rheumatism, cold sores, and muscle or joint stiffness and pain. People needing Rhus-t feel mentally and physically restless.

Know Your Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum (Ph-ac.) 9

Know Your Remedies: Phosphoricum Acidum (Ph-ac.)

Phos-ac is a remedy for emotional weakness and ailments that follow grief, disappointment, drug abuse or exhausting illnesses. Symptoms often improve with sleep.