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Know Your Remedies: Baryta Carbonica (Bar-c.) 1

Know Your Remedies: Baryta Carbonica (Bar-c.)

Symptoms arising from a Bar-c state include anxiety, swollen tonsils or glands, slow development, senility, smallness of body parts such as genitals, and more.

Know Your Remedies: Clematis Erecta (Clem.) 2

Know Your Remedies: Clematis Erecta (Clem.)

Clematis is a remedy for toothache, hard swollen glands, gonorrhoea, cystitis and urethritis symptoms. Those needing this remedy dislike being alone but avoid talking with people.

Know Your Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis (Thuj.) 3

Know Your Remedies: Thuja Occidentalis (Thuj.)

Those who need Thuja struggle with self-confidence. They feel worthless and unattractive and believe that no-one would love them if they knew what they were really like.

Know Your Remedies: China Officinalis (Chin.) 4

Know Your Remedies: China Officinalis (Chin.)

A useful remedy for exhaustion, weakness, anaemia, headache, and digestive upsets that arise from loss of body fluids. Those who need China are also sensitive to the cold.

Know Your Remedies: Pyrogenium (Pyrog.) 5

Know Your Remedies: Pyrogenium (Pyrog.)

It's no surprise that a remedy originally prepared from rotting meat is now used for severe infections with putrid and offensive discharges. For some, it has literally been a life-saver.

Know Your Remedies: Hypericum Perforatum (Hyper.) 6

Know Your Remedies: Hypericum Perforatum (Hyper.)

Hypericum - a useful remedy for injuries to nerve-rich areas such as fingers, toes, and the spine. It relieves intense nerve pain, either sharp or shooting.

Pulsatilla Pratensis (Puls.) 7

Pulsatilla Pratensis (Puls.)

This remedy suits sensitive and gentle people who feel worse in warm, stuffy rooms, and better in open air. Familiar? It's also great for types of colds, coughs, hay fever, and more.

Know Your Remedies: Nux Vomica (Nux.) 8

Know Your Remedies: Nux Vomica (Nux.)

Do you work hard, play hard and overindulge with food or drink? Are you competitive, driven, impatient and irritable? Nux-v eases these and other limiting traits.

Know Your Remedies: Stramonium (Stram.) 9

Know Your Remedies: Stramonium (Stram.)

Stramonium is a remedy for symptoms arising from terror, suppressed anger, or neurological injury. Stammering, spasms, fear of the dark, and light sensitivity are key symptoms.