Tutorial 9 – Palliation, Suppression or Cure?

When unwell, our body tries to constantly heal itself. Treatments can be used to palliate or suppress its efforts, or stimulate a faster, stronger healing response.

Know Your Remedies: Cuprum Metallicum (Cupr.)

Cuprum metallicum is a remedy for epilepsy, cramps, rigidity from suppressed emotions, convulsive emotions, children who are inclined to strike and spit, and much more.

Video: ‘Proving’ Research

"He experiments on healthy volunteers to uncover the symptoms a remedy causes because, based on the principle of 'like cures like', what a remedy causes it can also cure.”

Q. Can Homeopathic Remedies be Used Beside Conventional Medicines?

Homeopathic remedies and conventional drugs work in different ways and at different levels. So, how does that affect the safety and progress of treatment if both are taken together?

Tutorial 8 – Potentised Remedies and the Vital Force

"It is useful to think of the Vital Force as a muscle ... a sluggish Vital Force can be improved when exercised by repeated doses of a remedy."

Ask Kaviraj — Issue 7

Are you wondering what to try for fruit flies, mosquitoes, carpet beetles and grasshoppers? Kaviraj had homeopathic suggestions for these and other problems.

Organotherapy and the Homeopathic Use of Sarcodes

Homeopathic remedies have the ability to tap into the energetic information carried by healthy secretions and tissues but which remedies are they and how are they used?

Tutorial 7 – The Vital Force

Chi, prana, life essence, bioenergy, vital force - they're names used by various cultures for the life energy that resides in and animates all living things. Homeopathy acts at this level.

Homeopathy for the Incurables

Patients with eczema, asthma, migraine, IBS, menopausal problems, anxiety, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and more ... they were all 'incurable' until homeopathy.