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Know Your Remedies: Antimonium Crudum (Ant-c.)

Anitmonium Crudum (Ant-c.) suits children who are irritable and easily angered when looked at or touched. It also suits soft, sentimental, poetic, and romantic adults.

Survey: How Are Nosodes Used?

Nosodes are homeopathic remedies prepared from disease producing bacteria and viruses, or diseased tissue, fluid or discharge. But, how are they used in practice?

Sandra’s Irritable Bowel and Other Problems

Sandra would bloat as the day progressed. Her discomfort always worsened with breads and fatty foods. She was diagnosed as having IBS. Homeopathy made a difference.

Homeopathy & Autism – Alison’s Story

"I have a 6-year-old daughter Alison, with Aspergers, who has been treated with constitutional homeopathy for just over a year." This is what happened.

Schuessler’s Tissue Salts – A Medicine Chest for the Whole Family

Schuessler's Tissue Salts are potentised micro-doses of the 12 essential minerals your body needs for good health. They are gentle enough for the whole family, even pets.

Video: Solving Health Problems with Homeopathy

A retired doctor tells how with a little knowledge, patience and practice, amazing results are achieved with homeopathy.

Music to Ease the Blues

Did you know that music can produce a homeopathic effect? The like-treats-like approach of these sombre pieces may unexpectedly relieve your moody blues - try it and see!

Know Your Remedies: Plumbum Metallicum (Plb.)

Symptoms improve with rubbing the areas, warmth, bending double, or hard pressure. The person may also have deep furrows or jowl lines on the face and crave fried food.

Testicle Showing Epididymis

Man Saves Testicle With Homeopathy

A spinally injured man with an abscessed scrotum saved his testicle when he opted for homeopathic treatment instead of surgery.