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Black berries of Phytolacca Americana (Pokeweed)

Know Your Remedies: Phytolacca Decandra (Phyt.)

Problems with glands, joints, or connective tissue of the body? Phytolacca may be your remedy. Affected glands are hot, inflamed, and swollen, while shooting pains occur in ligaments.

Study: Homeopathy for Haemophilia

Treatment reduced the frequency and severity of bleeding, relieved pain, improved mental well-being, and lessened absenteeism.

Remedies for Disasters (Part 1)

We show you how to put together an emergency homeopathy kit, teach you how to use it during a disaster, and then explain how to 'stretch' your remedies to help others as well.

Know Your Remedies: Berberis Vulgaris (Berb.)

An important remedy for neuralgia or colic in any part of the body but especially joints, muscles and the urinary tract system.

Preliminary Responses from the Helix Tosta Survey

"Half of respondents said Helix tosta produced an ‘excellent’ result. Others classified the result as ‘good’". And that is just part of what they said.

Homeopathy, Rabbit Plagues, and Nazi Germany

Are you overwhelmed by rabbits? Step into history and learn about homeopathy in both Nazi Germany and during a rabbit plague.

Monica’s Story – My Weird Symptoms

People often ask, “Do homeopaths specialise in certain fields?” Are there ‘fertility homeopaths’ or ‘autism homeopaths’? The answer is, not really. Here's why.

Airport X-Rays and Remedies

We are often asked, "Will airport x-ray machines and scanners affect our remedies?" Here's the answer and the accompanying research.

Study: Homeopathy in Heart Failure

Crataegus was as good as an ACE inhibitor and diuretic in all parameters for mild heart failure except in BP reduction. Would individualised treatment have performed even better?