Know Your Remedies: Petroleum (Petr.)
Those who need this remedy have dry skin that is prone to deep, bleeding cracks, and feel hungry at night. They may also lose their way in previously well-known streets.

Know Your Remedies: Conium Maculatum (Con.)
Hemlock is the poison by which Socrates took his life. Prepared in homeopathic potencies it is a safe treatment for types of paralysis, mental slowness, and swollen glands.

Know Your Remedies: Sanguinaria Canadensis (Sang.)
Those needing Sanguinaria often experience right-sided symptoms (especially headaches) that improve with burping, vomiting, or passing flatus (gas).

Know Your Remedies: Natrium Phosphoricum (Nat-p.)
Those needing this remedy will usually be sensitive, have golden-yellow discharges, complain of stiffness and headaches during thunderstorms and dislike sour foods.

Studies: Homeopathy and Malaria
Good news: if affected countries want to control their malaria problem it may be no more difficult than looking at those already doing it with homeopathy.

What Happens When 829 Patients are Treated with Homeopathy?
“Conditions that improved significantly with homeopathic treatment were rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, eczema, asthma, anxiety, depression…” and more.

Know Your Remedies: Coccus Cacti (Coc-c.)
Coccus cacti is a remedy for types of cough accompanied by thick or stringy discharges from mucous membranes, including whooping cough. Symptoms are worse in winter.

Know Your Remedies: Sabadilla (Sabad.)
Sabadilla - a remedy for unusual imaginings, worms, hay fever and other allergies. Physical symptoms start on the left side of the body and move to the right side.

Know Your Remedies: Cantharis Vesicatoria (Canth.)
The Cantharis remedy comes from a beetle which contains cantharidin, a toxic blistering agent. Interestingly, it also treats blisters with intense cutting or burning pains.