Q. What is a Nosode?

A bright and colorful image of viruses and bacteria

Nosodes are homeopathic remedies prepared from inactivated micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses, or products of disease – fluids, discharge, or tissue.

The homeopathic manufacturing process inactivates and removes dangerous source material but retains its energetic effects so that the remedy is safe for use.

(Vaccines which also use similar source material retain some of that material in inactivated or attenuated form.)

Nosodes have a number of uses in human, animal, and increasingly, plant diseases and symptoms.

Therapeutically, they are used for specific symptom profiles, the immediate or latent symptoms of an infection, or for disorders and tendencies inherited through previous infections of that disease in the family lineage.

Nosodes have also used prophylactically for the prevention of infectious disease and have displayed usefulness when the symptoms of that disease resembled the symptoms produced by the source material from which the nosode was prepared, irrespective of the strain or variant responsible. In other words, symptoms are more important than the variant when choosing a prophylactic remedy.

Nosodes have the same physical qualities as other homeopathic remedies: they are dispensed as sugar-pills, powders, or liquids, and can be used with other medicines and by any age group.

How to Use a Nosode

(The following guidelines apply to 30C potencies. Lower potencies should be taken more frequently, higher potencies less often. One pill or 5 drops of a liquid remedy equals one dose.)


During periods of risk take a once a week dose for 4 weeks (four doses) followed by once every 2 weeks for 1 month (two doses). If the risk of exposure continues, once a month thereafter is recommended.


Depending on the presenting symptoms, treatment of an infectious disease may or may not be helped by a nosode. A consultation with a qualified homeopath is recommended so that the most suitable remedy and treatment protocol for the existing symptoms can be advised.

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