Effective Against Melanoma?
Brazilian scientists showed over several studies that potentised remedies reduced and controlled the spread of melanoma cells and tumors.
Things That Happen to Fingers
Fingers are in the front-line for being injured or damaged. Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to treat crushes, cuts, burns, punctures, and more with homeopathy.
Helping Autism – Alex’s Story
Alex’s Mum says, "... we could see a definite improvement after each dose, followed by a general decline just prior to needing his next dose, so we knew it was the remedy..."
Homeopathy for tooth and gum pain
"... basic home care can be enhanced with a variety of herbal and homeopathic treatments to relieve pain and resolve minor gum and tooth problems."
Tutorial 10 – Direction of Cure
Palliation or suppression gradually weakens vitality and leads to deteriorating health. Learn about the 'direction of cure' and how to tell when deep healing is truly taking place.
Study: Homeopathy for Allergies
The symptoms and treatment costs of asthma, eczema, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, food allergies and other allergies types were reduced by these homeopathic remedies.
Wheat and Dairy Allergy
Two main reasons people give for using homeopathy is that it’s safe and that it works. But what about those with a wheat or dairy intolerance – can they still use remedies?
Kaviraj on Fleas, Termites & More
Kaviraj focussed on remedies for plants but he was also asked about eucalyptus toxins, termites, rats, flea-infested cats, white fly, and more. Here's what he said.
Saved by Homeopathy
Roger Daltrey, of The Who fame, has been a firm advocate for homeopathy ever since his baby son, seemingly close to death, was returned to health by a homeopathic remedy.