Know Your Remedies: Camphora Officinale (Camph.)

Camphora (Camph.)is an important remedy for sensations of coldness - in general or in spots - and types of collapse as may occur in sunstroke, fainting, dysentery or cholera for which it is still used with success in some countries today.

Know Your Remedies: Bryonia Alba (Bry.)

Health problems worsened by movement? Irritable, especially when disturbed. Wanting to be alone? You may need Bryonia.

Black berries of Phytolacca Americana (Pokeweed)

Know Your Remedies: Phytolacca Decandra (Phyt.)

Affected glands are hot, inflamed, and swollen, while shooting pains occur in ligaments and connective tissue.

Know Your Remedies: Sabal Serrulata (Sabal.)

Sabal is a significant remedy for enlarged prostates and ovaries. Pains are sharp, stinging and come and go quickly.

Know Your Remedies: Clematis Erecta (Clem.)

"Glands become hard and painfully swollen while neuralgic (nerve) pain or electric-like shocks are worse at night.."

Know Your Remedies: Podophyllum Peltatum (Podo.)

Podophyllum is a remedy for gastrointestinal upsets, colitis and prolapse of the rectum or uterus.

Nutmeg as the homeopathic remedy, Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Know Your Remedies: Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Who would have thought that common nutmeg could treat symptoms such as confusion and sleepiness?

Know Your Remedies: Laurocerasus (Laur.)

This remedy has been used for types of cardiac and respiratory disorders accompanied by coldness and collapse.

Know Your Remedies: Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Eup-per.)

Intense bone pain - "as if they are broken" - is a frequent flu-related symptom. The person will be restless but without relief.