Know Your Remedies: Lycopodium Clavatum (Lyc.)

Know someone who is bloated, impotent, underconfident, and bossy? Lycopodium may suit. See what else it treats.

Know Your Remedies: Rhododendron Chrysanthum (Rhod.)

Think of this remedy for rheumatic pains, orchitis and epididymitis, and symptoms that worsen with thunderstorms.

Know Your Remedies: Coffea Cruda (Coff.)

Coffea is a remedy for mental or physical overstimulation, hyperactivity, nervousness, types of toothache and hot flushes.

Know Your Remedies: Drosera Rotundifolia (Dros.)

Drosera rotundifolia is a remedy for types of coughs, breathlessness, and bone or 'growing' pains.

Know Your Remedies: Glonoinum (Glon.)

Confusion in familiar places, fear of stroke, intense and pulsating headaches or angina? This remedy may be helpful.

Know Your Remedy: Calendula Officinalis (Calen.)

Calendula is known for its ability to soothe sunburnt or chafed skin, control infection, and stimulate healing in wounds.

Know your remedies: Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

Rhus-t relieves types of blisters, hives, rheumatism, cold sores, restlessness and joint stiffness and pain.

Know Your Remedies: Magnesium Carbonicum (Mag-c.)

Mag-c. is a remedy for digestive problems, failure to thrive, and an oversensitive nervous system. Fatigue and weakness are common symptoms.

Know Your Remedies: Calcarea Carbonica (Calc.)

Those needing Calc-carb are usually responsible, dependable people who are prone to feeling overwhelmed. They may gain weight easily, have poor stamina and crave sweets and eggs.