Video: Solving Health Problems with Homeopathy

A retired doctor tells how with a little knowledge, patience and practice, amazing results are achieved with homeopathy.

Dyshidrosis helped by homeopathy – Betty’s Story

Life was difficult for Betty because of the painful and itchy blisters on her fingers and palms. She only noticed a true improvement when she saw a homeopath.

Alzheimers and Stroke Helped

Old age brings challenges, many related to health. Read how this grandmother’s Alzheimer’s and subsequent stroke improved with homeopathy.

We Love Homeopathy Because…

A few years back - and maybe we should do it again - we invited people to tell us in 250 words or less why they loved homeopathy. Here are their responses.

Reversing Autism – Zane’s Story

Zane was uncommunicative, withdrawn, aggressive, and anxious. His mother wrote this letter to a professor after substantial improvements were seen with homeopathy.

Multiple Health Problems Improve

Barry suffered from sinusitis, headaches, hay fever, high blood pressure, rising PSA levels, insomnia and anxiety. They all improved with one remedy - but which one, and why?

Homeopathy: Tinctures or a trick of the mind?

THE INDEPENDENT (UK). Reporter: Jeremy Laurance (Susannah Ireland / The Independent) This week, a Commons committee declared that the NHS should stop funding homeopathy, describing its remedies as no better […]