Study: Homeopathy in Chronic Sinusitis

Patients given homeopathic remedies for chronic sinusitis reported a significant improvement that was subsequently confirmed by x-rays.

Know Your Remedies: Sulphuricum Acidum (Sul-ac.)

Are you sensitive to smoke, smog, and odours? Do you have sour discharges, hot flushes, or a tendency to bleed or bruise easily? If so, Sul-ac may be helpful.

Tutorial 12 – Treatment Approaches Compared

How does homeopathy differ from other therapies? We compare it to Bach flowers, tissue salts, herbs, and others to help explain the differences.

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections

Situation: it's night. Your little one is fretting with ear pain. What to do? Homeopathy? In four clinical trials it relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.

Helping Autism – Alex’s Story

Alex’s Mum says, "... we could see a definite improvement after each dose, followed by a general decline just prior to needing his next dose, so we knew it was the remedy..."

Tutorial 11 – Return of Old Symptoms

Marie was relieved that her menopausal symptoms had improved with homeopathy but past problems such as a painful shoulder and hay fever had returned. Why?

Charts: Kitchen Cupboard Cures

Four charts reveal easy-to-use 'kitchen cupboard cures' for tinea, burns, cuts, coughs, acne, thrush, warts, insect bites, leg cramps, vomiting, digestive upsets ... and more.

Know Your Remedies: Hamamelis Virginiana (Ham.)

Hamamelis virginiana is a useful remedy for fragile veins, venous congestion, and bleeding. Veins are enlarged and feel bruised or sore, especially when touched or pressed.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Do you shake at the knees, tremble when giving a speech, or cancel engagements at short notice because you just can't face them?