Know Your Remedies: Aloe socotrina (Aloe.)
Aloe suits symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and portal congestion. It's not surprising that the person needing this remedy will also be irritable.

Multiple Health Problems Improve
Barry suffered from sinusitis, headaches, hay fever, high blood pressure, rising PSA levels, insomnia and anxiety. They all improved with one remedy - but which one, and why?

Know Your Remedies: Medorrhinum (Med.)
Think of this remedy for the combined symptoms of passion, anxiety, thrill seeking, throat clearing, swollen ankles, sensitive soles, and night-time wakefulness.

Q. ‘Kissing Tonsils’ – What Can Homeopathy Do?
Does homeopathy make a difference to large, inflamed tonsils, shyness, stunted development, and nail-biting? It sure can! Take a look at what else it can do.

Know Your Remedies: Causticum (Caust.)
Causticum is a remedy for acute and minor complaints that include burning sensations, and types of hoarseness, loss of voice, paralysis, coughs, and warts.

Know Your Remedies: Ferrum Metallicum (Ferr.)
Those needing this remedy may look well but complain of tiredness, breathlessness, chilliness, or joint and muscle pain that improves with gentle motion.

Psorinum (Psor.)
Those who need Psorinum usually lack vitality, and are prone to mental disturbances. They catch infections easily, especially colds, recover slowly and skin complaints are common.

Know Your Remedies: Passiflora Incarnata (Passi.)
Clinically, this remedy is used for types of insomnia, whooping cough, puerperal fever, and withdrawal from morphine or alcohol.

Ledum palustre (Led-p)
Insect bites, puncture wounds, or swellings and bruises that improve with cold compresses? Chronic complaints such as rheumatism and gout? Ledum may be your best remedy.