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Study: Prevention of Recurrent Respiratory Infections in Children by Homeopathy

A complex (combination) homeopathic product was compared with another complex product to examine its effectiveness in preventing recurrent URTIs in children.

AUTISM: What Difference Does Homeopathy Make?

Which symptoms make it possible for children to be treated with homeopathy even when they can't tell you what is wrong with them?

Reversing Autism – Zane’s Story

Zane was uncommunicative, withdrawn, aggressive, and anxious. His mother wrote this letter to a professor after substantial improvements were seen with homeopathy.

Childhood Depression Cases

Two cases of depression: One child was withdrawn and wanting to die, the other cried incessantly and felt forsaken. Both needed different remedies but why?

Boosting Kid’s Confidence

“I’m the worst reader in the class,” Sara announced mid-first grade. “I’m just dumb.” Sara’s mother was heart-broken by these words until Sara was given a dose of the correct remedy.

Egg Allergies ‘Treated with Egg’

A study, from the New England Journal of Medicine, reported that 75% of children were allergy-free after given very small doses of egg. Sounds homeopathic to us.

Homeopathy for Children

Post-surgical pain, impetigo, vaccinosis, balanitis, and symptom suppression were successfully treated with homeopathy by these clever doctors. Here are their case reports.

Research: Homeopathy for Ear Infections

Scenario: it's night. Your little one is fretful with ear pain. What to do? In four clinical trials homeopathic remedies relieved earaches and infections faster than antibiotics.

Autism & Homeopathy

“Significant positive & curative response with homoeopathic medicines in subjects with ASD was found, suggesting that homoeopathic medicines can provide relief …”