Trauma and Grief – Mary’s Story
"... Homeopathy seemed so right, yet it wasn’t until about two years ago that I actually went to see a homeopath.”
Homeopathy Made Simple – How Would You Like Your Remedy? (Part 3)
Learn how homeopathic remedies are dispensed, the difference between sugar pills and liquids, and how to use both.
Homeopathy Made Simple (Part 2): Treating ‘Family and Friend’ Ailments
With a handful of remedies and a little knowledge even a beginner can make a big difference to everyday health problems.
Homeopathy and Autism FAQs
Good homeopathic treatment stimulates the body's ability to heal which then makes a huge difference for those with autism.
Agrohomeopathy Repertory
Agrohomeopathy - the use of homeopathy for plant diseases - here's one repertory to use when looking at remedies for plants.
Top 10 Remedies for Acne
Here's a 'top ten' list of remedies for acne but many others help as well. If you can't find a suitable one from the list consider seeing a homeopath for an individualised prescription.
Radiation Sickness and Poisoning: Guidelines for Homeopathic Treatment and Prevention
How does homeopathy help with radiation sickness or poisoning? Cadm-i, Phosphorus, and Stront-c are some of the remedies to consider.
Quick Help for Children’s Fevers
Homeopathy doesn't suppress fevers. It stimulates the body to overcome the cause of the fever to quickly drop the temperature.
Baby Taylor’s Homeopathy Story
10-month-old Taylor slept poorly and was troubled by unusual fears such vacuum cleaners, confined spaces and men.