Video: Solving Health Problems with Homeopathy

A retired doctor tells how with a little knowledge, patience and practice, amazing results are achieved with homeopathy.

Testicle Showing Epididymis

Man Saves Testicle With Homeopathy

A spinally injured man with an abscessed scrotum saved his testicle when he opted for homeopathic treatment instead of surgery.

Homeopathy and Autism – Melissa’s Story

"... she wasn’t even acknowledging my husband’s presence when he came home from work at the end of the day."

Alzheimers and Stroke Helped

Old age brings challenges, many related to health. Read how this grandmother’s Alzheimer’s and subsequent stroke improved with homeopathy.

Brain Injury – Homeopathic Help

Homeopathy led to significant improvements for people with traumatic brain injury, even those whose injury was of many years’ duration. Here's what happened.

Remedies for Poker Back

A doctor lists key homeopathic remedies and their corresponding symptoms for ankylosing spondylitis.

Preliminary Responses from the Helix Tosta Survey

"Half of respondents said Helix tosta produced an ‘excellent’ result. Others classified the result as ‘good’".

Study: Breast Cancer Research

Homeopathy demonstrated a similar effect to chemotherapy on breast cancer cells, and without injuring normal cells.

Agrohomeopathy Dosing Instructions

Not sure how to use Agrohomeopathy remedies? Here's our dosage instructions and storage information.