Angie’s Belladonna Flu
The flu hit Angie fast. Her high fever, throbbing headache, glistening eyes, hot flushed face, and its rapid onset suited Belladonna. Here's what happened next.

Shilpa’s Rhus-toxicodendron Flu
What's significant about a Rhus-tox flu? Shaking, anxiety, restlessness and aching stiffness and joint pain that improves with movement are just some of its symptoms.

Case Report: Homeopathy for Severe Mushroom Poisoning
Poisoning by death cap mushrooms (Amanita phalloides) frequently results in death. Read what happens when two women were given homeopathy alongside conventional medicine.

Osteomyelitis … Until Homeopathy
63-year-old Ron was battling a bone infection that doctors had struggled to treat for 19 years. That struggle ended with homeopathy.

The Drug Rocket vs the Homeopathic Sail
What’s the difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine (or allopathy)? Here’s a metaphor that may help explain it.

Actium’s Lipoma, & Homeopathy
Homeopathy works for animals too. Actium, a budgerigar, had a large lipoma but surgery was risky and expensive. With well-chosen remedies the tumor shrank and fell off, demonstrating a safe, natural, and cost-effective solution.

Career Saved with Homeopathy
Madeleine was plagued by sinus problems - something no singer wants. She was soon back to fine form with homeopathy.

Homeopathy for Max’s ‘Gelsemium Flu’
Gelsemium was successfully used during the 1918 flu pandemic. Wondering if it can be used today? Here's Max's story.

Brittany’s Tea Craving and Flatulence
Brittany had a problem: flatulence. It was frequent and offensive. It smelt like mouldy tea and could clear a room.