Actium’s Lipoma, & Homeopathy

Homeopathy works for animals too. Actium, a budgerigar, had a large lipoma but surgery was risky and expensive. With well-chosen remedies the tumor shrank and fell off, demonstrating a safe, natural, and cost-effective solution.

Career Saved with Homeopathy

Madeleine was plagued by sinus problems - something no singer wants. She was soon back to fine form with homeopathy.

Homeopathy for Max’s ‘Gelsemium Flu’

Gelsemium was successfully used during the 1918 flu pandemic. Wondering if it can be used today? Here's Max's story.

Brittany’s Tea Craving and Flatulence

Brittany had a problem: flatulence. It was frequent and offensive. It smelt like mouldy tea and could clear a room.

Sandra’s Irritable Bowel and Other Problems

Sandra would bloat as the day progressed. Her discomfort always worsened with breads and fatty foods. She was diagnosed as having IBS. Homeopathy made a difference.

A Dog’s Life: Molly’s Mange, Eczema and Lack of Confidence

Just like us, dogs suffer from physical and mental-emotional problems. Fortunately homeopathy helps both as this video of a once mangy, smelly, and anxious dog shows.

Four Problems – One Solution

Beth had arthritic pain, Margaret, hot flushes. Agir was troubled by lack of purpose, and Betsy the dog had flea-bite allergy. One remedy helped them all ... but which one?

Homeopathy for Hangover and Over-Indulgence

We know we shouldn’t but sometimes we do. These remedies settle hangover and digestive upset symptoms.

Brawls, Falls and Homeopathy

"Brett’s face was grotesquely swollen and already black and blue from the bruising. His jaw was broken in two places ..."