Study: High Blood Pressure
An interesting study compared the short-term effects on blood pressure of a homeopathic remedy (Veratrum viride) and a common allopathic antihypertensive drug (Atenolol).
Study: Alcoholism Reduced
An Indian pilot study, roughly translated into English, provides an interesting insight into what is possible when alcoholism is treated by homeopathy. See which remedies helped.
Homeopathy Avoided Amputation
A collection of case reports looks at 5 patients, some diabetic, who avoided amputation when their infected, gangrenous ulcers were treated with homeopathy.
Study: Homeopathy for ADHD
In a pilot study of children and teens, 63% experienced significant improvement with no side-effects when their ADHD was treated with homeopathy.
Study: Prevention of Recurrent Respiratory Infections in Children by Homeopathy
A complex (combination) homeopathic product was compared with another complex product to examine its effectiveness in preventing recurrent URTIs in children.
Study: Homeopathy for Asthma, Eczema, Food Intolerances, and Hay Fever
Italian research looked at the effects of homeopathic treatment on the asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis (AD) and food intolerances of 213 children.
Study: Psoriasis Treated by homeopathy
Researchers found that psoriasis, quality of life and other pre-existing health problems improved when homeopathy was used for treatment.
Survey: How Are Nosodes Used?
Nosodes are homeopathic remedies prepared from disease producing bacteria and viruses, or diseased tissue, fluid or discharge. But, how are they used in practice?
Man Saves Testicle With Homeopathy
A spinally injured man with an abscessed scrotum saved his testicle when he opted for homeopathic treatment instead of surgery.