Homeopathy Made Simple (Part 2): Treating ‘Family and Friend’ Ailments

With a handful of remedies and a little knowledge even a beginner can make a big difference to everyday health problems.

Video: Trial Design Challenges in Homeopathic Medical Research

Join this doctor as she discusses trial design, randomized control trials, and the concept of placebo effect in relation to homeopathy.

Autism– Darcy’s Story

Darcy was diagnosed with autism and his mum started homeopathic treatment. Five months later, this was her report.

Nutmeg as the homeopathic remedy, Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Know Your Remedies: Nux Moschata (Nux-m.)

Who would have thought that common nutmeg could treat symptoms such as confusion and sleepiness?

Study: High Blood Pressure

A study compared the effects on blood pressure of a homeopathic remedy and an allopathic drug

Coccinella to Deter Aphids and Other Soft-bodied Insects

When the ladybird beetle was turned into a remedy it became a highly useful deterrent for the common garden aphid.

Q&A: Extending the Life of a Liquid Remedy

Q. "Help! I'm running low on my remedy. Is there some way to make it last until I can get a new bottle?" There is a simple way.

Homeopathy Avoided Amputation

These case reports look at 5 patients, some diabetic, who avoided amputation when treated with homeopathy.

Colour Remedies and How They are Used

Colour remedies produce physical and emotional effects somewhere between flower essences and homeopathy.