Video: Trial Design Challenges in Homeopathic Medical Research

Join this doctor as she discusses trial design, randomized control trials, and the concept of placebo effect in relation to homeopathy.

Study: High Blood Pressure

An interesting study compared the short-term effects on blood pressure of a homeopathic remedy (Veratrum viride) and a common allopathic antihypertensive drug (Atenolol).

Coccinella to Deter Aphids and Other Soft-bodied Insects

When the ladybird beetle was turned into a homeopathic remedy it became a highly useful deterrent for the common garden aphid.

Autism– Darcy’s Story

Darcy was diagnosed with autism when 2 years old. His mum started his homeopathic treatment at 4 years of age. Five months later, she submitted this report.

Know Your Remedies: Arsenicum Album (Ars.)

"Those who need Arsenicum are prone to hypochondriasis and intolerant of untidiness and disorder. They are anxious, critical, and restless, and dislike being alone ..."

Homeopathy Made Simple (Part 2): Treating ‘Family and Friend’ Ailments

With just a handful of remedies and a little knowledge even a beginner can make a big difference to the everyday health problems of those they love.

Study: Alcoholism Reduced

An Indian pilot study, roughly translated into English, provides an interesting insight into what is possible when alcoholism is treated by homeopathy. See which remedies helped.

Know Your Remedies: Ignatia Amara (Ign.)

Those needing Ignatia tend to be idealistic and strongly affected by disappointment or grief. They are easily offended and have changeable or volatile emotions.

Homeopathy Made Simple (Part 1) – First Steps to First Aid

Homeopathy is easy to learn and easy to use. With just a handful of remedies even a beginner can make a big difference for everyday health problems.